


我正在移动网站上工作,并希望使用我的iPhone浏览器进行测试。我的Windows 7机器和iPhone在同一个无线网络上。如何从iPhone访问localhost?现在我得到404错误。

I am working on a mobile website and would like to test it using my iPhone browser. My Windows 7 machine and iPhone are on the same wireless network. How do I access localhost from the iPhone? Right now I get a 404 error.


Accessing localhost from the iPhone will simply do a loopback / try to connect to itself (If it supports that?).

您需要做的是找到桌面计算机的IP(例如,如果是Windows,请转到命令提示并键入 ipconfig 或转到网络和共享中心并查找连接状态

What you need to do is find the IP of your desktop machine (e.g. If Windows, go to the Command Prompt and type ipconfig or go to Network and Sharing Centre and look up connection status.

一旦你有了你的ip,只需从你的浏览器访问它,例如 http:/ /

Once you have your ip, simply visit that from your browser e.g.


You may need to open up port 80 (or whatever port your website is running on) in the inbound security of your firewall if you are running one.