在android studio中我的手机在设备选择器中没有显示

在android studio中我的手机在设备选择器中没有显示


设备选择器没有显示我插入的手机,我尝试了三星 note3 和 note 4,它们都没有显示在 android studio 中.它以前显示过,然后我不知道为什么突然不工作了.我试过这个SO问题但是没用.我有 sdk 24.3.4 我应该更新到 24.4 吗?

The device chooser is not showing my plugged phone , I tried Samsung note3 and note 4 , both of them are not showing in android studio. it was showing before , then i dont know why sudently not working . I tried this SO question but didnt work. I have sdk 24.3.4 should I update to 24.4 ?


in first phone(note 3) yes usb debugging is authorized, it was working normal before , in note4 no I didnt activate debug mode


make sure the usb driver for the phone is installed correctly,you can check in device manager.

这是三星技术规范的链接USB 驱动程序.

Here is a link to the Samsung technical spec for the USB driver.