如何在android studio中使用fabric插件安装twitter kit

如何在android studio中使用fabric插件安装twitter kit


我最近在 Android Studio 中安装了 fabric 插件并尝试安装 twitter kit.但我在面料中找不到推特套件.我记得以前它显示在所有套件页面中.

I have recently install fabric plugin in Android studio and try to install twitter kit. But i could't find twitter kit in fabric. As I remember previously it was shown in all kits page.

请指导我如何使用 Fabric 安装 twitter kit.

Please guide me how to install twitter kit using fabric.

Twitter 将 Fabric 出售给 Google.因此,Fabric 中将发生许多变化.其中之一是他们从 Fabric 中删除了 Twitterkit.您仍然可以安装它,但不能通过 Fabric.您可以在此处找到 Twitter 套件文档

Twitter sold Fabric to Google. A number of changes will occur in Fabric, because of this. One of them is that they removed Twitterkit from Fabric. You can still install it, however not via Fabric. Here you can find the Twitter kit documentation

您还必须使用内置的 TwitterKit 更新您的应用程序.这篇博文.他们向您的 Fabrics 组织帐户的管理员发送了一封电子邮件.

You will also have to update your applications with TwitterKit build in. It is all explained in this blogpost. They sent an email to the admin of your Fabrics organization account.