


我在将使用WCF数据服务的应用程序部署到运行3.5 SP1的IIS服务器时遇到了问题。

Hi, I'm having trouble deploying an application that consumes a WCF data service to an IIS server running 3.5 SP1.


I'm getting an error BC30002: Type 'System.Data.Services.Common.EntitySetAttribute' is not defined.

我复制了版本为3.5的System.Data.Services.Client.dll。 30729.5004到服务器的bin目录。在

I copied System.Data.Services.Client.dll with version of 3.5.30729.5004 to the server's bin directory. In


web.config assemblies the reference is:

< add assembly =" System.Data.Services.Client,Version = 3.5。 0.0,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = B77A5C561934E089" />

<add assembly="System.Data.Services.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>


The code stops in a class generated using datasvcutil from the 3.5 framework.

第82行:     &LT; Global.System.Data.Services.Common.EntitySetAttribute(QUOT; MYTABLE&QUOT;),&NBSP; _
第83行:      Global.System.Data.Services.Common.DataServiceKeyAttribute(QUOT;&的myKey QUOT)&GT;&NBSP; _
第84行:    部分公共类mytable

Line 82:     <Global.System.Data.Services.Common.EntitySetAttribute("mytable"),  _
Line 83:      Global.System.Data.Services.Common.DataServiceKeyAttribute("mykey")>  _
Line 84:     Partial Public Class mytable

我使用了datasvcutil,因为我无法在VS 2008中添加服务引用,可能是因为该服务是WCF Data 4.0。 &NBSP;该应用程序在VS 2008中构建并运行良好。

I used datasvcutil because I wasn't able to add a service reference in VS 2008, maybe because the service is WCF Data 4.0.  The application builds and runs fine in VS 2008.


Any troubleshooting hints would be appreciated.


通过将VS dev网站内容添加到新的ASP.Net网站项目,构建并发布,将precompiled_web文件夹复制到IIS服务器来解决。
Solved by adding VS dev site contents to new ASP.Net web site project, build and publish, copy precompiled_web folder to IIS server.