

嘿,这是一个非常笼统的问题,但我需要您的帮助. 我已经有一个使用php 5.3的的应用程序 &现在OpenShift有一个名为php 5.4 ..的新catridge,那么如何在不删除我的应用程序的情况下更新catridge?

Hey guys its a very general question, but I need your help. I already have an application at which uses php 5.3 & now OpenShift has a new catridge called php 5.4..so how can I update the catridge without deleting my app?

您需要使用5.4盒式磁带创建一个新应用程序,然后将您的应用程序迁移到新的齿轮上.您目前无法删除和添加新版本的Web墨盒. (您可以尝试使用rhc snapshot命令进行迁移)

You would need to create a new application with the 5.4 cartridge and migrate your application to the new gears. You currently can not remove and add a new version of a web cartridge. (you can try doing the migration with the rhc snapshot command)