为什么Visual Studio的失败默认检测的Mac代理连接到Mac代理?

为什么Visual Studio的失败默认检测的Mac代理连接到Mac代理?


今天我注意到设立一个新的Mac,并试图与Visual Studio 2015连接了Visual Studio是无法连接到检测到MAC建立代理商Xamarin时显示的默认生成代理后。

I noticed today after setting up a new Mac and trying to connect with Visual Studio 2015 that visual studio was unable to connect to the default build agent that displayed when detecting Mac build agents for Xamarin.


Here is what exactly I did: Connected new MacMini to network and installed Xamarin.Mac,IOS.

创建新的解决方案来创建VS 2015使用Xamarin IOS应用程序

Created new solution to create IOS application using Xamarin in VS 2015.


Attempted to detect a build agent from the list.

Visual Studio中正确地检测到网络上的MAC代理(通过WiFi连接)。 (见图像的下方,在列表中的第二个项目是经推出列表)

然而,试图连接到输入我的凭据时苹果机模式,它失败了。奇怪的是也有标题为Retreiving SSH指纹微调花了相当长的时间来解决。

Visual studio correctly detected the mac agent on the network(connected through wifi). (see image below, the second item in the list was in the list upon launch) However, when trying to enter my credentials in the "Connect to Mac" modal, it failed. Oddly enough as well the spinner with caption "Retreiving SSH fingerprint" took quite a while to resolve.

我注意到,我可以通过单击添加苹果在解决该问题在Xamarin的Mac代理模式和手动输入IP。这是要解决的唯一途径。 (见一个图像中的列表和)

I noticed that I could workaround the issue by clicking "Add Mac" in the Xamarin Mac Agent modal and manually entering the IP. This was the only way to workaround it. (see the image for that one in the list as well)

此外,Visual Studio是无法从列表中删除此默认项,以及这似乎相当奇怪。为什么这个问题发生?

Also, Visual Studio is UNABLE to remove this default item from the list as well which seems rather odd. Why is this issue happening?

我把我的旧的Visual Studio / Xamarin从财政上致昏迷构建组合时遇到此相同的问题,3天前, Xamarin的礼貌现在是*的:

I encountered this exact same issue 2 days ago when bringing out my old Visual Studio/Xamarin build combo from financially induced coma, courtesy of Xamarin now being free:


My solution was to make sure that every single component was up to date on the latest versions:

  • 的Visual Studio 2015年Xamarin

  • Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin

Xamarin Studio中构建Mac上

Xamarin Studio on the build Mac

的Xcode 7.3的版本的Mac。

Xcode 7.3 on the build Mac.


Only when those download/installs were done and the usual reboot dance had been finished, did the connection go smoothly.

不过,我也仍然看到<建立Mac和GT; <建立Mac和GT;。本地在我的选择。我只是选择了第一个,不再担心了。

However, I too still see the <build Mac> and <build Mac>.local in my choices. I simply chose the first one and stopped worrying about it.