


我目前正在努力获取一个PHP脚本以连接到MS Access数据库2007,以便该PHP脚本可以从中检索信息.

I am currently working getting a PHP script to connect to a MS access database 2007, so that the PHP script can retrrive information from it.


Does anyone know any way of accomplishing this I do believe that creating an ODBC Connection may be the way forward but I would appreciate any guidance towards this matter.


Many thanks for any help anyone is willing to give me



Normally, you'd do something like this:

$dbName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "products\products.mdb";
if (!file_exists($dbName)) {
    die("Could not find database file.");
$db = new PDO("odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$dbName; Uid=; Pwd=;");

成功的连接将允许从PHP执行SQL命令以读取或写入数据库.但是,如果收到错误消息"PDOException无法找到驱动程序",则可能是未安装PDO ODBC驱动程序.使用phpinfo()函数检查您的安装中是否有对PDO的引用.

A successful connection will allow SQL commands to be executed from PHP to read or write the database. If, however, you get the error message "PDOException Could not find driver" then it’s likely that the PDO ODBC driver is not installed. Use the phpinfo() function to check your installation for references to PDO.

如果不存在PDO ODBC的条目,则需要确保您的安装包括PDO扩展名和ODBC驱动程序.为此,请在Windows上取消注释php.ini中的行extension=php_pdo_odbc.dll,重新启动Apache,然后尝试再次连接到数据库.

If an entry for PDO ODBC is not present, you will need to ensure your installation includes the PDO extension and ODBC drivers. To do so on Windows, uncomment the line extension=php_pdo_odbc.dll in php.ini, restart Apache, and then try to connect to the database again.


In your case I believe it would work if the .mdb file is on an external server, but you'd have to be able to hit it from where you're serving the page.


Not sure if this is intranet or across the public internet, but if it's public internet you might want to rework your work flow a bit, as generally making your database accessible that way is not something you'd want to do.
