如何注册为Visual Studio 2013专业版扩展单元测试属性

如何注册为Visual Studio 2013专业版扩展单元测试属性


我试图延长MS单元测试类在Visual Studio 2013,按照下面的指引

I'm trying to extend MS unit test class in Visual Studio 2013, in accordance with the guideline below.

扩展Visual Studio单元测试类型,第1部分


But it does not works fine.

通过我的.pdb和.dll文件复制到PrivateAssemblies文件夹下的安装VS目录,VS步入扩展TestClassAttribute找到ExtentionID,但测试方法与errormessage的失败告诉 初始化失败单元测试的扩展,因为它未注册

With my .pdb and .dll files copying to PrivateAssemblies folder under the VS installed directory, VS steps into extended TestClassAttribute to find ExtentionID, but the test method failed with the errormessage telling failed to initialize the unit test extension, as it is not registered.


I really carefully inspected the registry hierarchy and entry to match the guideline and found no error.(Although the upper node of VS version is different from 10.0 to 12.0)

我不知道是否 是否有可能在我的VS 2013版的专业的扩展单元类

I wonder if is it possible to extend unit class in my VS 2013 version "Professional".

此外,据我考察,这个问题是没那么受欢迎,因为VS 2013被释放。

Also as far as I inspected, this issue is not so popular since VS 2013 was released.

正在扩展的单元测试类仍然是有效的VS 2013?

Is extending unit test class is still effective in VS 2013?


I'll appreciate any hint, advice or solution.



I have reached to the solution.

请参考的难道是可能在Visual Studio二千零十三分之二千零十延长UnitTestClass专业版?

Details in my self reply in my post in MSDN forum. Please refer Could it be possible to extend UnitTestClass in Visual Studio 2010/2013 Professional Edition?


Put simply, it's just a problem of Registry entry "AttributeProvider".


So if the assembly name of the test class attribute extention is "MyExtension.Simple.LoggingTestClass" and the full name of extended test class attribute is "MyExtension.Simple.LoggingTestClass.LoggingTestClassAttribute", the entry value should be as follows. "AttributeProvider"="MyExtension.Simple.LoggingTestClass.LoggingTestClassAttribute, MyExtension.Simple.LoggingTestClass"

在我的环境中,使用此设置时,Visual Studio 2013专业版运行由我的扩展属性合格测试。

In my environment, with this setting, Visual Studio 2013 Professional runs the test which is qualified by my extended attribute.


That's all. thanks for you attention.

* PS。我已经改正包含在我的源文件.reg文件并交换它。所以,如果你已经下载了,请重新下载和交换。

*ps. I have corrected the .reg file included in my source files and exchanged it. So if you have already downloaded, please re-download and exchange them.