如何将Visual Studio 2013窗口从C#应用程序连接到SQL Server 2008 r2数据库?

如何将Visual Studio 2013窗口从C#应用程序连接到SQL Server 2008 r2数据库?


我正在学习Visual Studio 2013中的sql server 2008 r2和windows form c#。我想写一个名字,地址,年龄,状态,性别,日期等字段的应用程序应用程序将有保存,新建,删除,更新,搜索按钮等。任何人都可以帮助我使用在Visual Studio 2013中使用sql server 2008 r2和windows form c#的文章或网址来实现这一目标吗?



我已经在我的机器上安装了sql server 2008 r2和visual studio 2013 ultimate。另外,我已经下载了一些相关的文章,但版本问题一直令我感到沮丧,启动

I am learning sql server 2008 r2 and windows form c# in visual studio 2013. i want to write an application with fields like name, address, age, state, sex,date of birth etc. The application will have save,new, delete, update,search buttons etc. Can anybody help me with an article or url that uses sql server 2008 r2 and windows form c# in visual studio 2013 to achieve this?
Thanks in advance

What I have tried:

I have installed sql server 2008 r2 and visual studio 2013 ultimate on my machine. Also,I have downloaded some related articles but version problems have been frustrating me to kick start



[ ^ ]


Go through below article link

Click here

Set database and form field as per your requirement.

and let me know if you face any difficulties.

这是一篇讨论连接方式的文章,这是你应该做的第一件事。知道:使用SQL Server登录 [ ^ ]


如果你需要示例连接字符串,请看这里: SQL Server 2008连接字符串 - ConnectionStrings.com [ ^ ]

DotNetPerls 网站提供了一些很好的入门教程,请看: [ www.dotnetperls.com/sqlclient ]


Visual Studio中的SQL Server数据库开发 [ ^ ]

遗憾的是作者没有提及根据您的VS 2013版本,您可能需要为VS 2013安装SSDT工具。



当然有很多方法可以使用VS 2013中的SQL Server,祝你好运!
Here is an article that discusses ways to connect, which is the first thing you should know: Working with SQL Server Logins[^]
To keep things simple I would recommend starting with "Windows authentication".

If you need example connection strings, take a look here: SQL Server 2008 connection strings - ConnectionStrings.com[^]

The DotNetPerls site provides some good starting tutorials, look at: [www.dotnetperls.com/sqlclient]

Here is an interesting article which I found under "top articles" in CodeProject:
SQL Server Database Development in Visual Studio[^]
Sadly the author does not mention that depending on your version of VS 2013 you may need to install SSDT tooling for VS 2013.
Also this article does not show how to work with the database you created.
But nevertheless it shows some interesting techniques.

Of course there are lots of ways to work with SQL Server from VS 2013, good luck !
