自定义指令内AngularJS NG选项是NG-重复内



Could you help me to find a way to set and get select element values which are placed inside my custom directive.


 <body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
      <div ng-repeat="category in categories">
        <status-selector items="statuses" ng-model="selectedStates[status.Id]"></status-selector>

我有两个数组:类别和状态。每个类别可以有其自己的状态。当选择一个类别的地位,它应该被保存到selectedStatus终于有类似 [{类别ID:1,StatusId:2},{类别编号:2,StatusId:3}] 。在情况下,如果selectedStatus已初始化,我希望看到的状态选择相应的类别,这意味着我也需要把价值观,而不仅仅是阅读。

I have two arrays: categories and statuses. Each category can have its own status. When a status for a category is chosen, it should be saved to selectedStatus to finally have something like [{CategoryId:1,StatusId:2},{CategoryId:2,StatusId:3}]. In case if selectedStatus was already initialized, I would like to see chosen statuses for corresponding categories, means that I also need to put values, not just read them.

.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope) {
    $scope.categories = [{Id:1, Name: "Category1"}, {Id: 2, Name: "Category2"}];
    $scope.statuses = [{Id: 1, Name: "Low"}, {Id: 2, Name: "Normal"}, {Id: 3, Name: "High"}]
    $scope.selectedStates = {};
.directive('statusSelector', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        scope: { items: '=', ngModel: '='},
        template: '<span><select class="select" ng-options="obj.Id as obj.Name for obj in items" ng-model="ngModel"></select></span>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {



您应该有自己的分类模型 NG-模型。它可能更有意义。

You should have your own category model as ng-model. It probably make more sense.

<status-selector items="statuses" ng-model="category.Status"></status-selector>


// ...
.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope) {
  $scope.categories = [{Id:1, Name: "Category1", Status: 1}, {Id: 2, Name: "Category2"}];
// ...

Obviouslly,让用户的选择,只要抓住了 category.Status 属性。这里的更新拨弄

此外,只需一个侧面一角。你似乎来自净背景,你在哪里使用Pascal大小写。在JavaScript中,这是常识,使用骆驼情况下,相反,所以你必须 {ID:...,状态:...} 而不是 {ID:...,状态:...}

Also, just a side tip. You seem to come from a .Net background, where you're used to Pascal case. In javascript, it's common sense to use camel case, instead, so you'd have {id: ..., status: ...} instead of {Id: ..., Status: ...}.