使用PHP从Linux Server连接到远程MS Access数据库


有人知道是否可以使用PHP从Linux服务器连接和查询MS Access数据库吗?

Does anyone know if it's possible to connect and query an MS Access database from a Linux Server using PHP?


If it is possible I'm thinking install ODBC driver on the Linux server, but will it work to connect to Access is the question. I've read it's possible with MSSQL.


My knowledge is very limited when it comes to any Windows related DBs so any advice much appreciated.

是的,有可能.我已经使用 ODBTP 做到了这一点,它利用了承载Access的(Windows)计算机上的ODBC驱动程序数据库文件.

Yes, it's possible. I've done it using ODBTP, which took advantage of the ODBC driver on the (Windows) machine that hosted the Access database file.

理论上,如果Linux框可以看到"它,则理论上也可以在Linux服务器上使用ODBC驱动程序来读取Windows网络共享上的Access数据库.但是,我从来没有对Linux上的Access ODBC感到好运,因此,我不建议您花太多时间尝试使其工作.

It's also theoretically possible to use an ODBC driver on the Linux server to read an Access database on a Windows networking share if the Linux box can "see" it. However, I've never had very good luck with Access ODBC on Linux so I wouldn't recommend spending too much time trying to get it working.