


I have a folder A and a folder B. For each subfolder inside A I need to check if B contains a link to that subfolder. If not, I need to create it.

我当前正在使用此页面上的代码创建链接:创建文件快捷方式(.lnk) 我的问题是此代码始终创建文件快捷方式,而不是文件夹快捷方式,因此,如果我尝试打开快捷方式,它将不会打开相应的文件夹.有人知道如何创建文件夹快捷方式吗?

I'm currently creating the links using the code found on this page: Creating a file shortcut (.lnk) My problem is that this code always creates a file shortcut, not a folder shortcut, so if I try to open the shortcut it does not open the corresponding folder. Anyone knows how to create folder shortcuts instead?


I'll answer my own question because I found lots of people asking this on the web and nobody providing an answer.


I found through trial and error that if you use the Path.GetFullPath method to calculate the value to assign to the TargetPath property, the output is in a format that's recognized as a folder path, so the system will automatically identify it as a folder shortcut and assign the corresponding icon.