是否可以在 node.js 服务器上设置运行(服务器端)的 socket.io 客户端?


我想在两个或多个不同的 node.js 应用程序服务器之间启用基于套接字的 p2p 通信.我正在使用 socket.io 来处理给定服务器与其所服务的 Web 应用程序之间的所有此类通信 - 但我正在寻找一种服务器到服务器通信的方式.

I'd like to enable socket-based p2p communications between two or more different node.js application servers. I'm using socket.io to handle all such communication between a given server and the web application it serves - but what I'm looking for is a way to communicate server-to-server.


I had initially assumed it would be as easy as something like this:

var io = require("socket.io");
var socket = io.connect("my remote endpoint");

然而,事实证明服务器端 socket.io 实现不提供连接"方法,只提供监听方法.

However, as it turns out the server-side socket.io implementation doesn't offer a "connect" method, only a listen method.

这是为什么?为什么我不能将节点应用程序服务器视为在其他地方运行的 socket.io 服务器的客户端?有什么办法可以实现这个功能吗?

Why is this? Why can't I treat a node application server as a client to a socket.io server running elsewhere? Is there any way that I can achieve this functionality?

好的,感谢@pimvdb 在上面的评论中我有了一个可行的解决方案.

OK, so thanks to @pimvdb in the comments above I've got a workable solution.

基本上,npm 安装的 socket.io 库依赖于另一个模块,称为 socket.io-client.在标准的 socket.io 安装中,这将安装在 node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client

Basically, the socket.io library that npm installs has a dependency on another module, called socket.io-client. In a standard socket.io installation this will be installed in node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client

但是,也可以说npm install socket.io-client"并将其安装为自己的一流公民库.

However, it's also possible to say "npm install socket.io-client" and install it as its own first-class citizen library.


Then your usage looks like this:

var client = require("socket.io-client");
var socket = client.connect("http://myendpoint.com:3000/whatever");
socket.emit("test", "foo");

