如何最近将数据从sql数据库插入到asp.net webform中



然后当我运行aspx webform时,我应该得到那些最近插入的那3条记录。


In database i have some 100 records but recently 3 records are inserted in past 1 week.
Then when i run the aspx webform i should get those recently inserted those 3 records.
Can anyone help me

You'll need some data in the table to record when the data was inserted and if it was previously "read". When you retrieve the records from the table, you can either retrieve the records from the last date/time that was "read", tracked by your code elsewhere, or you can retrieve records that were "read" before with the flag and just retrieve records that have not been "read". You'll have to have some mechanism in your site to let the user mark thee records "read" so you don't retrieve them again.





If you want to return recently inserted records there should be a date filter, I assume that you are looking recent insert records for past 1week.

Refer below sample query for the same
Declare @tab table
    val int,
	insertdate datetime

insert into @tab
values(100,'2015-11-09 12:23:30.377'),(101,'2015-11-10 12:23:30.377'),(102,'2015-11-11 12:23:30.377'),
(104,'2015-11-12 12:23:30.377'),(105,'2015-11-13 12:23:30.377'),(106,'2015-11-14 12:23:30.377'),
(107,'2015-11-15 12:23:30.377'),(108,'2015-11-16 12:23:30.377')

select * from @tab
where CONVERT(date, insertdate) >=CONVERT(date, GETDATE()-7)

从your_table orderby中选择* top 3来自ID DESC

Select *top 3 from your_table orderby ID DESC
This query will fetch last 3 records you have inserted