将减号查询(varchars 列表)的结果存储在 Oracle PL/SQL 中的变量中


与 TABLE_TWO 相比,我正在使用以下减号查询来获取 TABLE_ONE 中存在的额外 project_id

I'm using below minus query to get the extra project_ids present in TABLE_ONE compared to TABLE_TWO

select project_id from TABLE_ONE minus select project_id from TABLE_TWO;

我想存储上述查询的结果,即变量中的 varchars 列表,因为我需要执行以下 2 个步骤:

I want to store result of above query which is list of varchars in a variable since i need to perform below 2 steps :

  1. 如果上述查询返回任何 project_ids,发送一封电子邮件,在邮件正文中包含这些 project_ids
  2. 在 TABLE_TWO 中插入那些额外的 project_id,以确保 TABLE_ONE 中存在的所有 project_id 都存在于 TABLE_TWO 中

对于第 2 步,我尝试了下面的查询并且成功了.

For step 2 I tried below query and it worked.

insert into TABLE_TWO columns (project_id) values (select project_id from TABLE_ONE minus select project_id from TABLE_TWO);

但是要执行以上 2 个步骤,我需要将查询结果存储在一个变量中.请让我知道该怎么做.我使用的是 Oracle 12c.

However to perform above 2 steps i need to store the query result in a variable. Please let me know how to do it. I'm using Oracle 12c.

不幸的是,将缺失的 ID 放入 table_two 的两种最自然的方法(多行 INSERT>MERGE) 支持 RETURNING.. BULK COLLECT INTO 子句.

Unfortunately, neither of the two most natural ways to get the missing IDs into table_two (a multi-row INSERT or a MERGE) support the RETURNING.. BULK COLLECT INTO clause.

所以,我认为最好的办法是首先获取 id 列表,然后使用该列表来维护 table_two.

So, I think your best bet is to get the list of ids first and then use that list to maintain table_two.


  l_missing_id_list SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST;
  SELECT project_id
  BULK COLLECT INTO l_missing_id_list
    SELECT t1.project_id FROM table_one t1
    SELECT t2.project_id FROM table_two t2 );
  FORALL i IN l_missing_id_list.FIRST..l_missing_id_list.LAST
    INSERT INTO table_two VALUES ( l_missing_id_list(i) );
  -- Values are now inserted and you have the list of IDs in l_missing_id_list to add to your email.

这是基本概念.据推测,您在 TABLE_TWO 中有更多的列,而不仅仅是 id,因此您必须添加这些列.

That's the basic concept. Presumably you have more columns in TABLE_TWO than just the id, so you'll have to add those.