如何在 Windows 7 上卸载 Netbeans 6.9?


我尝试卸载 Netbeans IDE.出于某种原因,它拒绝卸载.

I try to uninstall the Netbeans IDE. for some reason it refuses to uninstall.


When I run the uninstaller from the control panel, I get a message saying:

安装程序锁定文件位于 c:\users\user.nbi.nbilock"

the installer lock file exists at c:\users\user.nbi.nbilock"


When I remove the file I get a message saying:

在注册表中找不到指定的目标组件 -nb-base/安装程序可以继续,就像未指定目标组件一样.单击是"继续,否"退出安装程序"

the specified target component -nb- base/ was not found in the registry. the installer can continue as if the targer component was not specified. click Yes to continue, No to exit the installer"


When I click Yes it finishes very quickly and nothing really gets uninstalled.

一般来说,当我尝试运行 NetBeans 时,它会说:

In general when I try to run NetBeans it says:

c:\program files (x86)\ java jdk1.6.0_20

cannot locate Java installation in specified jdkhome
c:\program files (x86)\ java jdk1.6.0_20
do you want to try to use default version?"


Once again yes or no. Yes will open the IDE normally.

我遇到了完全相同的事情.我在我的 PC(相同硬件)上放置了一个同事映像,其中包含一个基线应用程序套件,包括 Netbeans.实际上,我碰巧也有 Netbeans 6.9 和 Windows 7,但这与此无关.

I had the exact same thing happen to me. I put a co-workers image on my PC (same hardware) that contained a baseline suite of applications, including Netbeans. I actually happened to have Netbeans 6.9 and Windows 7 too, but that has nothing to do with it.

我删除了我的同事资料,这就是我收到您所说的错误的原因.一些需要的文件包含在 C:\Users\JohnB\ 中.以下是 Netbeans 安装在您的用户配置文件文件夹中的文件夹:

I deleted my co-workers profile, and that is why I got the error you speak of. Some needed files are contained in C:\Users\JohnB\. Here are the folders that Netbeans installs in your user profile folder:


I simply had my co-worker copy and send them to me, I put them in the profile they got deleted from, then the uninstall process worked perfectly.


Here's the post that pointed me in the right direction:

这是一篇相关文章,解释了如何在安装不完整后进行清理,但我的 PC 上没有这些流氓注册表项:

Here's a related post that explains how to clean up after incomplete installations, but I did not have these rogue registry entries on my PC: