

是否可以获取当前在Microsoft Word和Microsoft Excel中打开的文档的路径?

Is there any way to get the path of documents currently open in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel?


I know how I can fetch the PID and the window handle for the running instance of Excel or Word, but I have no idea how to get the path of the open document. Is it even possible?

我认为API会很好,但是我怀疑它是否存在.可能有某种将信息发送到我的应用程序的插件吗? (但是,如果有其他可行的方法,我希望避免在各处安装插件.)

I am thinking that an API would be nice, but I doubt it even exists. Perhaps some kind of plugin that sends information to my application is a possibility? (But if any other way is possible, I'd like to avoid having to install plugins everywhere.)


I would prefer to do it using C#, but anything that can be compiled into an executable is alright.


And just in case someone thinks this sounds fishy, it is not to be used for anything remotely illegal. It is for a data collection system at work.

有一个名为 Office Interop ...它基本上是用于MS Office的基于COM的接口...,可以在C#中使用.

There is an API called Office Interop... it is basically a COM based interface for MS Office... and can be used from C# .

对于Excel,您可以通过 Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName .

For Excel you can get the current file including path via Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName.

对于Word,您可以通过 Application.ActiveDocument.FullName .

For Word you can get the current file including path via Application.ActiveDocument.FullName.