如何在Visual Studio Code中搜索文件?



I am used to Resharper where I can search for files, not the content, but the filename, which makes it quick to open new files.

此功能是否已在Visual Studio Code中实现,并且它有快捷方式吗?

Is this feature implemented in Visual Studio Code and is there a shortcut for it?

使用转到菜单下的转到文件... 或使用键盘快捷键:

Using Go to File... which is under the Go menu or using keyboard shortcut:

  • 在Windows上 Ctrl + p Ctrl + e
  • 在macOS Cmd⌘ + p
  • 在Linux上 Ctrl + p Ctrl + e
  • On Windows Ctrl+p or Ctrl+e
  • On macOS Cmd ⌘+p
  • On Linux Ctrl+p or Ctrl+e


还要确保签出您可以设置自己的键绑定,并且适用于 Windows Linux .

Also be sure to checkout that you can set your own keybindings and that there are cheatsheets available for Windows, macOS and Linux.