在 Visual Studio 2017 中格式化水平线


前段时间我在使用 Visual Studio 2017,如果代码的水平行大于 VS 窗口,VS 会在新行中显示它.看这张图

Some times ago I was working with Visual Studio 2017 and if horizontal line of code bigger than VS window, VS was showing it in new line. Look to this picture

正如你在图片中看到的,Assert 的水平线比 VS 窗口占用的多.有时 VS 将其移到新行并在行下显示绿色箭头图标.但是现在这种格式被禁用了.有谁知道如何启用它(我使用的是 c# 2005 键盘)?我希望我能理解我的问题.

As you see in picture, horizontal lines of Assert takes more then VS window. And sometimes VS moved it in new line and showed green arrow icon under line. But now this formatting is disabled. Does anyone know how to enable this (I'm using c# 2005 keyboard )? I hope i could understand my problem.

Text Editor >所有语言 >常规(或你想要的语言)

You have to go to:
Text Editor > All Languages > General (Or the language you want)
then you tick the checkbox Word wrap(Also Show visual glyphs for word wrap if you want to see that arrow you mentioned.).