如何将 python 的 argparse 与预定义的参数字符串一起使用?


我想使用 pythons argparse 模块来解析我的 cli 参数字符串.这适用于从终端传递的参数,但不适用于给定的字符串.

I want to use the pythons argparse module to parse my cli parameter string. This works for the parameters a pass from terminal, but not with a given string.

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Argparse Test script')
parser.add_argument("param", help='some parameter')

argString = 'someTestFile'

args = parser.parse_args(argString)


If I run this script I get this output:

usage: argparsetest.py [-h] param
argparsetest.py: error: unrecognized arguments: o m e T e s t F i l e

~/someTestFile 以某种方式在o me T e s t F i l e 中进行了转换.如前所述,如果我从终端传递文件名,它就可以工作.

The ~/someTestFile is somehow transformed in o m e T e s t F i l e. As already mentioned, it works if I pass the filename from the terminal.


I could imagine, that this has something to do with string encodings. Does someone has an idea how to fix this?

parser.parse_args() 需要与 sys.argv[1:]格式相同的序列>.如果将字符串视为 sys.argv 序列,则会得到 ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'T', 'e', 's', 't','F', 'i', 'l', 'e'].'s' 成为相关参数,然后字符串的其余部分无法解析.

parser.parse_args() expects a sequence in the same form as sys.argv[1:]. If you treat a string like a sys.argv sequence, you get ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'T', 'e', 's', 't', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e']. 's' becomes the relevant argument, and then the rest of the string is unparseable.

相反,您可能希望传入 parser.parse_args(['someTestFile'])

Instead, you probably want to pass in parser.parse_args(['someTestFile'])