根据Ruby on Rails中的combobox中选择的值动态更改表单

根据Ruby on Rails中的combobox中选择的值动态更改表单



ID| Service_type_id| desc| date|payment_terms



服务表包含服务列表。服务类型定义了提供的服务类型。一些service_types是信用卡提供的 - isCredit字段包含布尔值1或0。问题是当用户添加服务时 - 我有一个填充了服务类型的组合框。但是,我需要的是,当用户选择isCredit值为1的服务类型时,它应该在同一表单上显示一个组合框,其中包含付款条款表中的付款条款选项。

The services table contains a list of services. The service type defines the kind of service offered. Some service_types are offered on credit - the isCredit field holds a boolean 1 or 0 value. The thing is that when a user adds a service - I have a combo box populated with the service types. However what I need is that when the user chooses a service type whose isCredit value is 1, it should show on the same form a combo box with options of payment terms from the payment terms table.

如何在ruby on rails上完成?我只希望当选择的service_type具有isCredit值1时显示payment_term组合框,否则services.payment_terms = 0

How can this be done in ruby on rails? I only want that the payment_term combo box be displayed when the service_type chosen has an isCredit value 1 else the services.payment_terms = 0

首先,将带有付款条件的选择框渲染为隐藏(例如,使用特定的css类)。我们假设它有id payment_terms

First, render the select box with payment terms as hidden (by using specific css class for example). Let's assume it has id payment_terms.

然后渲染服务选择框带有附加数据属性以跟踪服务 isCredit 0 | 1

Then render services select box with additional data attribute to keep track if service isCredit 0|1

<select id=services>
<% services.each do |service| %>
    <option value=<%=service.id %> data-iscredit=<%=service.type.isCredit ? '1' : '0' %>><%=service.desc %></option>
<% end %>

在JS中编写一个简单的脚本来处理更改选择填充服务的事件和显示/隐藏 payment_terms isCredit 上选择依赖。我假设你正在使用jQuery。

Write a simple script in JS to handle change event on the select populated with services and show/hide payment_terms select depening on isCredit. I'm assuming you're using jQuery.

$("#services").change(function() {
   var selopt = $(this.children[this.selectedIndex]),
       isCredit = parseInt(selopt.attr('data-iscredit'));
   if (isCredit === 0) {
   } else {