rails 3 + devise:如何修改邮件方法确认电子邮件以添加用户的第二个电子邮件地址


背景:在我们的应用程序中,我们经常有销售代表为我们的客户使用销售人员的电脑(通常客户在我们设置时无法访问他们的电子邮件) )。因此,我们正在考虑向销售代表的电子邮件地址添加一个字段,并将确认链接也转到该电子邮件地址。

Background: In our app, we often have a sales rep do the setup for our customer using the salesperson's computer (often customers don't have access to their email at the time we set them up). So we're thinking to add a field to the devise registration form for the sales rep's email address and have the confirm link ALSO go to that email address.


Question: Is there a way to tell devise to bcc (or cc) the initial confirmation email (only the initial confirmation email) to an (optional) "backup_email" email address that is also provided on the new user registration form?


Alternatively, is there a way to 'disable' the confirmation email process but ONLY when a certain code is entered into the registration field?


I know how to add another field to the devise registration form, but I don't see how/where to modify the devise mailer code so when a confirmation email is sent to the "email" address it ALSO goes to the "backup_email" address (if any, sometimes it's blank).

感谢Johnny Grass!

Thanks to Johnny Grass!

我做了 rails生成邮件卡斯托merUserMailer

I did rails generate mailer CustomerUserMailer and added

config.mailer = "CustomUserMailer"


my custom mailer looks like:

# app/mailers/customer_user_mailer.rb
class CustomUserMailer < Devise::Mailer
  def headers_for(action)
    headers = {
      :subject       => translate(devise_mapping, action),
      :from          => mailer_sender(devise_mapping),
      :to            => resource.email,
      :cc            => resource.backup_user_email(action),
      :template_path => template_paths

然后我移动了3邮件模板FROM views / devise / mailer to views / customer_user_mailer (否则电子邮件为空)

Then I moved the 3 mailer templates FROM views/devise/mailer to views/customer_user_mailer (otherwise the emails are empty)

然后我添加了一个方法到我的用户模型称为 backup_user_email()根据用户记录和操作中的数据返回备份电子邮件地址(如果有)。唯一的窍门就是在测试动作时,它不是 action ==confirmation_instructions它是 action ==:confirmation_instructions

Then I added a method to my User model called backup_user_email() that returns the 'backup' email address (if any) based on the data in the user record and the action. The only "trick" there is that when testing the action it is not action == "confirmation_instructions" it is action == :confirmation_instructions.

要覆盖 headers_for 操作 > Devise :: Mailer

One way to do it would be to override the headers_for action in Devise::Mailer

class MyMailer < Devise::Mailer
  backup_email = "..."
  def headers_for(action)
    headers = {
     :subject       => translate(devise_mapping, action),
     :from          => mailer_sender(devise_mapping),
     :to            => resource.email,
     :bcc           => backup_email
     :template_path => template_paths

并告诉设计使用你的邮件程序: p>

And tell devise to use your mailer:

config.mailer = "MyMailer"