如何以编程方式创建 Windows VPN 连接?


我有一个支持环境,我们使用 VPN 和远程桌面连接到许多客户的系统.现在,支持人员必须在他们的工作站上手动设置 VPN 连接.有没有办法以编程方式创建 VPN 连接?

I have a support environment where we connect to many of our customers' systems using VPN and Remote Desktop. Right now, support personnel have to manually set up the VPN connection on their workstation. Is there a way to programmatically create the VPN connection?

查看 CodePlex 上的 DotRas 项目,RasPhoneBook 组件完全支持管理 Windows 使用的电话簿.

Check out the DotRas project on CodePlex, the RasPhoneBook component has full support over managing phone books used by Windows.


这比直接使用 API 容易得多,我可以保证这一点.:)

It'll be a lot easier than working with the APIs directly, that much I can guarantee. :)