如何以编程方式打开Windows Phone 8上的日期/时间设置?



The app I'm working on relies on the correct date/time being set for synchronization purposes. Apparently you cannot programmatically set the date and time on the phone. Is there a way though to open the Date/Time settings programmatically?


Thanks for clearing that up. I don't think you can do this the way you want to.



At best you can get the difference between the user's clock and the clock on the system to which the program is talking. Of course the user's clock is subject to change. I don't think that people change their clock's time very frequently, but it is still something to be considered.


You can launch some settings programatically like this:

Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings-bluetooth:"));

但是日期/时间不是其中之一。 here 是一个链接到可用设置

But date/time is not one of them. here is a link to available settings