


I'm dealing with someone else's code here and have come across something like this:

.selector {
 .background-position : 0px 2px;

周期行背景位置他们的方式评论排行?它似乎没有一个效果,我知道(使用chrome inspector和firefox检查器),但我想确保。

Does the period on the line background-position do anything or was that their way of commenting the line out? It doesn't seem to have an effect that I know of (using chrome inspector and firefox inspector) but I want to make sure.


Thanks for any insight on this.


I usually use a z to quickly comment stuff out. But in the production CSS, I remove these lines.

这是一个注释。它使得CSS无效,虽然它看起来非常不专业,所以一个好主意,如果你不需要它,或者至少正确地注释它与完全删除它 / * ... * / 。

It's a "comment". It makes the CSS invalid though and it looks very unprofessional, so it's a good idea to remove it altogether if you don't need it, or at least properly comment it with /* ... */.