重定向中的 Flash 消息不起作用



I have the following in my controller:

redirect_to signin_path, :notice => "The email is already registered"


<%= flash[:notice] if flash[:notice] %>



However if I do the following in the controller

flash[:notice] = "There is already an acount for this email. Please Login to create your board."
redirect_to signin_path


It does work. What is the reason the first one does not work?

在您的日志上做一些跟踪,看看您是否在渲染之前被重定向到多个操作.如果是,则可能是 Flash 保存的时间不够长,无法进入最终呈现的视图.

Do some tail'ing on your logs and see if you're being redirected to multiple actions before you render. If you are, it's likely that flash isn't being kept long enough to make it to the view where it is finally rendered.

位置良好的 flash.keep(:notice) 应该可以解决问题.

A well-placed flash.keep(:notice) should do the trick.


Much later edit: Also, in retrospect, if you're redirecting that many times, I highly suggest you do some refactoring and eliminate any unnecessary jumps by consolidating your redirect logic at a higher level, so that your redirects are predetermined and only happen once, twice max.