如何创建与Telit BLE模块的终端I/O连接?


我正在为android平板电脑编写一个渐进式Web应用程序,该应用程序应该能够通过BLE连接读写具有嵌入式Telit BLE模块的设备.

I'm writing a progressive web app for an android tablet which should be able to read and write to a device with an embedded Telit BLE module via a BLE connection.


I am able to open a BLE connection and discover services and characteristics. I am unable to establish a connection over BLE using Telit's Terminal I/O (TIO) protocol.

我的远程(服务器)设备是Falcom Fox3跟踪器单元.建立连接后,可以从Fox3串行端口读取通知事件.通过使用Telit的android终端应用程序连接到Fox3,已成功测试了此测试:

My remote (server) device is a Falcom Fox3 tracker unit. A notification event can be read from the Fox3 serial port when a connection is established. This has been successfully tested by connecting to the Fox3 using Telit's android terminal app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.telit.tiosample


I have put together a short function which should connect via BLE, establish a TIO connection and request UART credits before listening for incoming data from the server.

我的代码基于Smashing Magazine的一个简单脚本: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/02/introduction-to-webbluetooth/

I have based my code on a simple script from Smashing Magazine : https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/02/introduction-to-webbluetooth/

以下是启动TIO连接的过程,这是《 Telit的终端I/O配置文件客户端实施指南》中给出的.

The process of initiating the TIO connection follows is that given in Telit's Terminal I/O Profile Client Implementation Guide .


the Terminal I/O connection setup consists of the following steps:

  • 终端I/O客户端扫描宣传终端I/O服务的低功耗蓝牙设备.
  • 终端I/O客户端与检测到的终端I/O服务器建立了蓝牙低功耗GATT连接.
  • 终端I/O客户端在终端I/O服务器上执行服务发现.
  • 对于检索到的终端I/O服务,终端I/O客户端执行特征发现.
  • 终端I/O客户端订阅UART积分TX特性的指示(请参见7.4).
  • 终端I/O客户端订阅UART数据TX特性的通知(请参见7.2).
  • 终端I/O客户端将初始UART信用传输到服务器(请参阅7.5).
  • 一旦终端I/O客户端收到对传输的UART信用的响应,就认为已建立了终端I/O连接,并应在任何时候期待UART信用TX特性的指示和UART数据特征的通知


The order of the connection setup sequence is mandatory.


My code is as follows, where log is a function which outputs to the screen.

const SERVICE_UUID         = "0000fefb-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
const UART_RX_UUID         = "00000001-0000-1000-8000-008025000000";
const UART_TX_UUID         = "00000002-0000-1000-8000-008025000000";
const UART_RX_CREDITS_UUID = "00000003-0000-1000-8000-008025000000";
const UART_TX_CREDITS_UUID = "00000004-0000-1000-8000-008025000000";

async function tio_connect() {
  let device = await navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({
  filters: [{ namePrefix: 'FOX' }],
  optionalServices: [SERVICE_UUID]
  log(" - Connecting<br>");
  let server = await device.gatt.connect();
  log(" - Getting Primary Service<br>");
  let service = await server.getPrimaryService(SERVICE_UUID);
  log(" - Subscribing to tx credits<br>");
  let tx_credits = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_TX_CREDITS_UUID);
  log(" - Subscribing to tx data<br>");    
  let tx_data = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_TX_UUID);
  log(" - Requesting credits<br>");   
  tx_credits.writeValue(new Uint8Array([255]));
  log(" - Starting listener<br>");   
  tx_data.addEventListener('characteristicvaluechanged', e => {log (e.value)});


This runs without error and appears to establish a bluetooth connection on my client android device. I expect the server to respond to the connection, trigger an event and report it back. No such connection event occurs.


I am new to web bluetooth and a little rusty with JavaScript, so unsure whether I am using the correct calls - particularly for 'subscribing'. If anyone could clarify what subscribing involves in this context it would certainly help my understanding.



I performed these steps like this: "For the retrieved Terminal I/O service, the Terminal I/O client performs a characteristics discovery."

let tx_credits = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_TX_CREDITS_UUID)
let tx_data = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_TX_UUID)
let rx_credits = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_RX_CREDITS_UUID)
let rx_data = await service.getCharacteristic(UART_RX_UUID)


"The Terminal I/O client subscribes to indications of the UART credits TX characteristic (see 7.4)."

await tx_credits.addEventListener('characteristicvaluechanged', e => {log ("<br>tx_credits: " + e.value)});
await tx_credits.startNotifications();


"The Terminal I/O client subscribes to notifications of the UART data TX characteristic (see 7.2)."

await tx_data.addEventListener('characteristicvaluechanged', e => {
  for (i=1;tx_data.value.getUint8(i);i++){
await tx_data.startNotifications();


"The Terminal I/O client transmits initial UART credits to the server (see 7.5)."

let rx_credit_level = await rx_credits.writeValue(new Uint8Array([255]))

您可能要等待 writeValue startNotifications .

log(" - Requesting credits<br>");   
await tx_credits.writeValue(new Uint8Array([255]));
log(" - Starting listener<br>");   
tx_data.addEventListener('characteristicvaluechanged', e => {log (e.value)});
await tx_data.startNotifications();