使用 AWS System Manager 提取弹性 IP 和实例名称列表


在 AWS 云环境中,我必须获取具有实例名称和所有区域/可用区(如 eu-west-1、eu-west-3、ap-south-1、us-east-)的所有弹性 IP 的列表1 等.

In the AWS Cloud Environment i have to the get list of all Elastic IPs with instance name and in all region/AZs like eu-west-1 , eu-west-3, ap-south-1, us-east-1 etc..

如果可能,如何通过 AWS 系统管理器实现这一点.如果没有,那么我是否必须编写任何其他函数/代码或使用其他 AWS 功能.

How this can be achieved via AWS System manager if possible. If not, then do i have to write any other function/code or use other AWS functionality.

我会通过以下步骤编写程序(例如在 Python 中)来实现:

I would do it by writing a program (eg in Python) with these steps:

  • 使用 describe_regions()
    • 使用 describe_addresses()
      • 从响应中提取 InstanceIdPublicIp
      • 调用describe_instances() 为给定的 InstanceId 获取标签列表.实例名称"存储为带有 Key = 'Name'
      • 的标签
      • Loop through each (applicable) Region using describe_regions()
        • Loop through each Elastic IP address using describe_addresses()
          • Extract the InstanceId and PublicIp from the response
          • Call describe_instances() for the given InstanceId to obtain a list of Tags. The "instance name" is stored as a Tag with Key = 'Name'