


I have two tables, shipments and customers. In the real world, a customer can be related to a shipment in three ways: as the biller, the destination and/or the origin.

所以我的问题是,我是否有一个包含三列的数据透视表,一列用于shipping_id,一列用于customer_id,一列用于relationship_type id?还是我有单独的表格?我不确定如何最好地解决这个问题,因为这是我所遇到的第一个此类问题.

So my question here is, do I have a pivot table with three columns, one for the shipment_id, one for the customer_id, and one for the relationship_type id? Or do I have separate tables? I'm not sure how best to approach this as it's the first of it's kind that I've run up against.


I faced this couple weeks ago and I came up with a solution.

假设一个客户可以对不同的客户具有不同的关系 出货量.

Assuming that one customer can have different relations to different shipments.


First of all you need a new model for customer roles obviously that model it will be Relation model.


First approach: You could solve this by using more than one pivot table which works but its not a good database design. I solved it first like this but realized its not optimal choice when it comes to db.


Second approach: You could solve this by defining pivot table as a model, but I havent tried that way even though I know it works and its a solution.


Better approach: use one pivot table for three models. In that case you have to define pivot table when you define a relationship example :


public function relations()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Relation::class, 'customer_relation_shippment');


public function customers()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Relation::class, 'customer_relation_shippment');


现在说您要添加与客户的关系. 让我们抓住第一位客户和第一批货,并说我们想添加一个关系作为开票人:

now lets say you want to add a relation to a customer. Lets grab first customer and first shipment and say we want to add a relation as a biller:

$customer = Customer::first();

$shipment = Shipment::first();

$relation = Relation::where('name','biller')->get();

$customer->relations()->attach($shipment->id, ['relationship_type'=>$relation->id]);


By using only one pivot table of course its a bit more complex to perform operations towards those models like CRUD, but when it comes to database design/optimazation of course it is the right choice! Note that I came to this conclusion after dealing with a similar real world issue and it turned way more faster db interaction then using more than one pivot.