是否创建可与Analytics Reporting API一起使用的模拟帐户?[谷歌分析]


我需要使用Google Analytics(分析)视图测试某些内容,但是Google提供的默认演示帐户不允许用户使用Analytics Reporting API:

I need to test some things with a Google Analytics View, but the default demo account that Google offers does not allow user to use the Analytics Reporting API :

您不能将模拟帐户与Analytics Reporting API一起使用.尝试这样做会导致权限错误:(403)不足权限.

You cannot use the demo account with the Analytics Reporting API. Attempts to do so result in a permissions error: (403) insufficientPermissions.



I just need to replicate a view with different data already.



You cannot replicate views with data. A view will always start empty.

不过,您可以简单地注册一个Google Analytics(分析)帐户并发送大量虚假数据(通过设置包含跟踪代码的网页并反复调用它,或者设置cron作业以通过

However you can simply register a Google Analytics account and send lots of bogus data (either by setting up a web page with tracking code and call it repeatedly, or set a cron job to fire call via the measurement protocol) (this will happen in realtime, so you need to wait a few days before you have enough useable data. There is not way to bulk-create hits for a longer timeframe).


If you just want to test the API it probably matter that much what data you use, so a mock account should work just fine.