Symfony2 服务构造函数中的 getUser


我的 Symfony2 服务中有一个非常奇怪的问题.我想在我的服务的构造函数中获取当前用户,但 SecurityContext->getToken 返回 false!

I have a very strange problem in one of my Symfony2's service. I want to get the current user in the constructor of my service but the SecurityContext->getToken return false!


That is my service constructor :

public function __construct(Registry $doctrine, SecurityContext $context){
    $this->doctrine = $doctrine;
    $this->context = $context;
        echo "Il y a une merde au niveau du token !";
    $this->my_auth = $this->getMyAuth();

这里是我的 service.yml 中的服务声明

And here the service declaration in my service.yml

    class: Nsi\SecurityBundle\Service\Autorisation
    arguments: [@doctrine,@security.context]

但是当我进入我的管理页面时,会出现消息Il y a une merde au niveau du Token".最令人惊讶的是,我底部的 symfony 工具栏显示了我的登录信息!

But when I go on my admin page, the message "Il y a une merde au niveau du Token" appear. the most surprising is that my bottom symfony toolbar show me my login !

我的项目是一个 Symfony 2.3.11 项目

My project is a Symfony 2.3.11 project



Don't call it from service constructor, because service initialization called earlier than authentication. That's why you have no token set.