


I changed the configuration of the application and deployed the new code to production server. Since the application does not parse the configuration files and use precompiled classes I needed to update the cache files.

app / console缓存:warmup app / console cache:clear 命令。但是调用这些命令后并没有更新缓存,因此我不得不手动删除app / cache文件夹。

There is app/console cache:warmup and app/console cache:clear commands. But the cache wasn't updated after invoking these commands, so I had to delete the app/cache folder manually.


Manual deletion is very dangerous operation because it's not atomic so I can remove part of cache during request and this may lead to fatal error.


How should I reload cache?

您错过了 env 参数:应用程序/控制台缓存:清除--env = prod --no -调试