

我有 2 个实体


User Article and a "likedByUsers" Many To Many relationship between both.


When I show an article, I want to know if the user has liked it so a heart icon is shown.

我在 ArticleRepository 中有这个:

I've got this in the ArticleRepository:

public function findOneBySlug($slug,$userId): ?Pack
    return $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
        ->andWhere('p.slug = :val')
        ->setParameter('val', $slug)
        ->addSelect('COUNT(u) AS userLike', 'p')
        ->leftJoin("p.users", 'u', 'WITH', 'u.id = :userId')
        ->setParameter('userId', $userId)


App\Repository\ArticleRepository::findOneBySlug() 的返回值必须是App\Entity\Article 的一个实例或 null,返回数组

Return value of App\Repository\ArticleRepository::findOneBySlug() must be an instance of App\Entity\Article or null, array returned


I want to add "userLike" (bool) to the Article returned entity. Anyone can help me out?

在查询构建器上调用 addSelect(...) 可能会更改返回类型/格式.

calling addSelect(...) on a query builder might change the return type / format.

在您的特定情况下,前一个数据库结果类似于 [... all the article properties ...] 水化和 getOneOrNullResult 变成一个 Article 或 null.

in your particular case, the former db result was something like [... all the article properties ...] which hydration and the getOneOrNullResult turns into one Article or null.


[...所有文章属性..., userlike],水合变成了[Article, userlike],不可能变成一篇文章或空结果,因为它是一个更复杂"的数组.

[... all the article properties ..., userlike], which hydration turns into [Article, userlike] which can't possibly turned into one Article or a null result, because it's a "more complex" array.


So you have to use a different result fetcher. Depending on what the caller of your function expects as a return value (I would expect an article ^^) you maybe should rename the function or add a virtual property on article to hide the userlike or something, so you can return just the Article or null.


So the solution that I would choose:

$result = $this->createQueryBuilder(...)
if(!$result) { 
    // empty result, obviously
    return $result; 
// $result[0] is usually the object.
$result[0]->userLike = $result['userLike']; 
// or $result[0]->setUserLike($result['userLike'])

return $result[0];

btw: $this->createQueryBuilder($alias) 在存储库中自动调用 ->select($alias),所以你不必addSelect('... userLike', 'p') 只需执行 addSelect('... userLike')

btw: $this->createQueryBuilder($alias) in a repository automatically calls ->select($alias), so you don't have to addSelect('... userLike', 'p') and just do addSelect('... userLike')