


I have the following relationships set up in Laravel:

OrderStatus Model
  - hasMany('Order')

 Order Model
  - 'belongsTo('OrderStatus');

使用orders表和order_statuses表建立数据库. orders表具有用于order_status_id的字段.

The database is set up with an orders table and an order_statuses table. The orders table has a field for order_status_id.


When I save an Order, I manually set the order_status_id by fetching the appropriate Order Status model, like this:

$status = OrderStatus::where(['name'=>'sample_status'])->firstOrFail();
$order->order_status_id = $status->id;


I'm wondering if there is a built in function to do this rather than setting the order_status_id manually. I've read about "Attaching a related model", and "Associating Models" in the Laravel docs, but I can't figure out if these fit my use case. I think the issue I'm having is that I'm working directly with the child model (the order), and trying to set it's parent. Is there a function for this?


$status = OrderStatus::where(['name'=>'sample_status'])->firstOrFail();
$order = new Order;


(status() is the belongsTo relation. You might need to adjust that name)