如何以编程方式打开调用MKAnnotationView? (iPhone,MapKit)


我想以编程方式打开 MKPinAnnotationView 的标注。例如,我在地图上放了10个针脚,想要打开离我最近的一个针脚。我该怎么做呢?

I want to open up the callout for an MKPinAnnotationView programmatically. Eg I drop 10 pins on the map, and want to open up the one closest to me. How would I go about doing this?

Apple为 MKAnnotationView的指定了'selected'参数,但不鼓励设置直接(这不起作用,尝试过)。

Apple has specified the 'selected' parameter for MKAnnotationView's, but discourages setting it directly (this doesn't work, tried it).

其余的 MKAnnotationView 只有一个setHighlighted( 同一个故事),可以 ShowCallout 方法..

For the rest MKAnnotationView only has a setHighlighted (same story), and can ShowCallout method..


Any hints if this is possible at all?


In your mapViewController create an action method:

- (void)openAnnotation:(id)annotation 
    //mv is the mapView
    [mv selectAnnotation:annotation animated:YES];



You can then determine the closest annotation based on current location and walking the annotations available in the array.

[mv annotations];


Once the closest annotation is calculated, call:

[self openAnnotation:closestAnnotation];


The mapView should scroll automatically to place your annotation in the center of the display area.