javascript - 检查页面上是否至少选择了一个单选按钮



i am trying to check that at least one of my radio buttons are checked on the page, they are in different groups so i have tried to create an aray of all the groups and run therough them but i cant seems to see what is wrong with the code anyone know what i am doing wrong ?

function atLeastOneRadio() { 
      var chx = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
      var day = new array();
      day[0] = "monday";
      day[1] = "tuesday";
      day[2] = "wednesday";
      day[3] = "thursday";
      day[4] = "friday";
      for (var i=0; i<chx.length; i++) {
        if (chx[i].type == 'radio' chx[i].name == day[i] && chx[i].checked) {
          return true;
      return false;


Something like:

//returns number of elements checked

//if you need to check if the name of the element is equal to something
    return($.inArray(, days));