我如何创建包含数据库的应用程序的设置(Visual Studio内置数据库)


请告诉我该设置的唯一过程,该过程指导我如何创建包含Visual Studio 2008内部数据库的项目的设置"

please tell me only procedure for that setup which guide me to "how create setup of project that "contain internal database of visual studio 2008"

右键单击在解决方案资源管理器中的msi安装程序项目上,然后选择属性.在属性窗口中,您将看到一个先决条件"按钮-按下该按钮,然后选择要与您的项目一起安装的数据库引擎(可能是SQL Server 2008 Express)

Espen Harlinn
Right click on the msi installer project in solution explorer and choose properties. In the properties window you''ll see a "Prerequisites" button - press it and select the database engine you would like to install with your project (probably SQL Server 2008 Express)

Best regards
Espen Harlinn