如何将测试用例从Visual Studio Team Services导出和导入到MS Excel中


我需要将基于Excel的测试用例导入VSTS,并将测试用例从VSTS导出到MS Excel. VSTS(非TFS)

I have a requirement to import the Excel Based Test Cases into VSTS and Export Test Cases from VSTS into MS Excel. VSTS(Not TFS)

您可以使用以下方法将测试用例从VSTS导出到MS excel:

You can use below way to export test cases from VSTS to MS excel:

  1. 为要导出的测试用例定义查询.为所有测试用例创建新查询->指定Work Item Type = Test case.

  1. Define a query for the test case you want to export. Create new query for all test case -> specify Work Item Type = Test case.

在MS excel中连接. MS excel->团队功能区->新列表->服务器->添加->输入VSTS URL(https://account.visualstudio.com)->确定->关闭->选择一个团队项目->连接->选择查询列表->选择您刚刚创建的查询->确定.

Connect in MS excel. MS excel -> Team ribbon -> New List -> Servers -> add -> input VSTS URL(https://account.visualstudio.com) -> OK -> Close -> select a team project -> connect -> choose Query list -> select the query you just created -> OK.

现在,所有测试用例都导出到MS excel.然后,您可以单击选择列"来添加或删除显示的列.

Now all the test cases are export to MS excel. And you can click Choose Colums to add or remove displayed columns.

导入VSTS: 您可以在MS excel中添加新的WIT,然后单击发布将新创建的WIT导入VSTS.

Import to VSTS: You can add new WIT in MS excel, and then click Publish to import new created WIT to VSTS.