

是否有一种方法可以专门将SSH远程放置到特定目录中,专门使用本地ssh配置文件(不是终端)?例如,以下段落中的 Dir 选项类似,

Is there a way to specifically ssh into a particular directory in remote location, specifically using the local ssh config file (not terminal)? Something like Dir option in the paragraph below, for example,

    Host remote_dir
       Hostname remote_server
       User username
       Dir path/to/remote_dir/

因此,如果我, ssh使用上一段中的Host值,

So, if I, ssh using the Host value from above paragraph,

ssh remote_dir

然后,我想登录,终端可以在 path / to / remote_dir / 为我准备好

Then, I would like to be logged in and the terminal to be ready for me at path/to/remote_dir/ of the remote server,

username@remote_server: path/to/remote_dir/ > pwd

在此帖子在ServerFault上,他们说可以通过ssh配置文件完成所有操作。但是您可以使用ssh配置和.bash_profile或终端书呆子称呼它的任何方式来执行此操作。 ssh配置文件中的

In this post on ServerFault, they say you can't do it all through the ssh config file. But you can do it with the ssh config and your .bash_profile or whatever the terminal nerds call it. in the ssh config file add

Host dev
  User joe


then in your .bash_profile add an alias

alias domain1="ssh dev -t 'cd domains/domain1; bash'"

此处 dev 是指您在配置文件中设置的内容。

Here the dev refers to what you set up in the config file.

在在终端上,只需键入 domain1 ,系统将要求您输入密码,然后直接进入目录。为您所有的域创建一个新的别名,它将使登录每个域变得非常容易。

In the Terminal, just type domain1, you will be asked to put in your password and will go straight to the directory. Make a new alias for all your domains and it will make logging in to each one super easy.