


I have app where I am trying to check whether a document with the users ID already exists, if yes then update the existing one with the data sent in the request if it does not exist then create a new document.


Bio.findOne({userID: req.body.userID}, function(err, bio) {
        if (err) {
            console.log("The error while updating colleciton is " + err);
        // if already exists then update it
        if (bio) {
            console.log("Bio document for user already exists!");
            bio.userBios = {
                $push: {
                    background: req.body.userBios.background,
                    experience: req.body.userBios.experience,
                    skills: req.body.userBios.skills,
                    bioForSector: req.body.userBios.bioForSector
            bio.save(function(err) {
                if (err)
                    throw err
                return (null, bio)
        //if does not exist then create new 
        if (!bio) {
            console.log("Bio document for user does NOT exist! creating new");
            var bio = new Bio();

            bio.firstName = req.body.firstName;
            bio.lastName = req.body.lastName;
            bio.jobTitle = req.body.jobTitle;
            bio.userID = req.body.userID;
            bio.userBios = {
                background: req.body.userBios.background,
                experience: req.body.userBios.experience,
                skills: req.body.userBios.skills,
                bioForSector: req.body.userBios.bioForSector

            // save the bio
            bio.save(function(err) {
                if (err)
                    throw err;
                return (null, bio);



I can successfully create a new document but when I try to update it, it overwrites the whole userBios array rather then updating it.


// define the schema for our bios model
 var biosSchema = mongoose.Schema({
     firstName: String,
     lastName: String,
     jobTitle: String,
     userID: String,
     userBios: [{bioForSector: String, background: String, skills: [String], experience: {}}]


What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help? it'll be much appreciated!

就像Alexander Mac在评论中说的那样,您自己重写了数组.如果该文档存在,请尝试:

Like Alexander Mac says in the comments, you are overriding the array yourself. If the document exists, try:

if (bio) {
    console.log("Bio document for user already exists!");
        background: req.body.userBios.background,
        experience: req.body.userBios.experience,
        skills: req.body.userBios.skills,
        bioForSector: req.body.userBios.bioForSector
    bio.save(function(err) {
        if (err)
            throw err
        return (null, bio)


This way you really push it in an existing array instead of creating a new one.