

我正在将wro4j与基于Maven + spring-mvc的Web应用程序一起使用.我有两个不同的wro.properties文件,用于在开发模式与部署模式下对Web应用程序进行不同的配置. wro4j配置为使用运行时解决方案运行.到目前为止,设置工作正常.

I'm using wro4j with a maven + spring-mvc based web application. I have two different wro.properties file to configure the web app differently when in development mode vs deployment mode. wro4j is configured to run using the runtime solution. The setup is working fine so far.


What I want to be able to do now is that in deployment mode, all the wro4j groups should be built immediately on server start up (as opposed to on-first-request per wro resource). I haven't found a configuration option for this - is there one? If not, how can I go about making this happen?


(I know I can probably get similar result using compile mode for deployment, but given that I already have runtime mode set up I am wondering if I can piggy back on that)

一种可行的解决方案是创建自定义 requestHandler ,它将遍历所有组并触发处理.您必须在应用程序启动期间调用该请求处理程序.

A possible solution is to create a custom requestHandler which would iterate through all the groups and would trigger processing. You would have to invoke that request handler during application startup.


If you would like to have this feature out of the box, feel free to open an issue.