


I am writing a Spark structured streaming application in PySpark to read data from Kafka.


However, the current version of Spark is 2.1.0, which does not allow me to set group id as a parameter and will generate a unique id for each query. But the Kafka connection is group-based authorization which requires a pre-set group id.

因此,由于我的团队不希望将连接更新为,而无需将Spark更新到2.2 ,因此可以采用任何解决方法.

Hence, is there any workaround to establish the connection without the need to update Spark to 2.2 since my team does not want it.


if __name__ == "__main__":
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("DNS").getOrCreate()
    sc = spark.sparkContext

    # Subscribe to 1 topic
    lines = spark.readStream.format("kafka").option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host:9092").option("subscribe", "record").option('',"SASL_PLAINTEXT").load()
    print(lines.isStreaming) #print TRUE
    lines.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
    # Split the lines into words
    words =
        split(lines.value, " ")
    # Generate running word count
    wordCounts = words.groupBy("word").count()

    # Start running the query that prints the running counts to the console
    query = wordCounts \
        .writeStream \
        .outputMode("complete") \
        .format("console") \



KafkaUtils class will override the parameter value for "". It will concat "spark-executor-" in from of the orginal group id.


Below is the code from KafkaUtils where is doing this:

// driver and executor should be in different consumer groups
    val originalGroupId = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG)
    if (null == originalGroupId) {
      logError(s"${ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG} is null, you should probably set it")
    val groupId = "spark-executor-" + originalGroupId
    logWarning(s"overriding executor ${ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG} to ${groupId}")
    kafkaParams.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)

我们遇到了同样的问题. Kafka基于带有预设组ID的ACL,因此唯一的更改是在kafka配置中更改组ID.在我们原始组ID的标签中,我们放入了"spark-executor-" + originalGroupId

We faced the same problem. Kafka was based on ACL with presets group id, so the only thing was to alter the group id in kafka configuration. Insead of our original group id we put "spark-executor-" + originalGroupId