Eclipse Package Explorer放大?



Configuring Eclipse to look exactly how you want is a tough job I've found, therefore I'm not going to attempt to do this myself.

我d想缩小 Package Explorer 侧栏吗?您会看到,我只喜欢在屏幕上显示代码,并在项目中保留一小部分文件-但是,因此,我永远看不到我当前所在的文件或包的完整路径。有没有办法使主屏幕保持正常,但是将 Package Explorer 缩小约50%?

I'd like to 'zoom out' of the Package Explorer side bar? You see, I like only having my code on the screen with a small section for the files in the project - however I can never see the full path of the file or package I'm currently in because of this. Is there a way to keep the 'main screen' normal, but zoom out of the Package Explorer by about 50%?

不完全适合,但我建议使用 快速浏览

Not an exact fit, but I would recommend using fast views



It minimizes your package explorer view, and you can recall it in order to display with a large size, for you to... explorer. Once you click anywhere outside the fast view, it disappear.
Note: to really gain as much space as possible, since Eclipse3.6M2, you can hide the fast view bar if empty.