


I'm trying to understand what exactly a fan trap is.


I don't understand why can't you know the account a sales rep handles?


Can't you just join the tables Sales Rep, Branch and Account and find out? What am I missing?


You can join on the tables/relationships of a fan trap. It's only a trap if you think that the resulting table/relationship means something it doesn't. Of course, if you need the table/relationship you think it means then you are missing it and need to add it.

Works_for(rep,branch) -- (rows where) rep *rep* works for branch *branch*
Manages(branch,account) --(rows where) some branch *branch* rep manages account *account*

/* (rows where)
    rep *rep* works for branch *branch*
AND some branch *branch* rep manages account *account*
Works_for NATURAL JOIN Manages


If you think that that join must hold

/* (rows where)
    rep *rep* works for branch *branch*
AND rep *rep* manages account *account*
Works_for_and_manages(rep, branch, account)



The two join predicates (statement templates) are not equivalent (don't have the same truth value for every row in every situation) when that "fan" pattern of cardinality constraints hold. So their tables don't always hold the same value.

也许您会看到,如果每个分支机构只有一名员工,则他们将是等效的-谁必须管理所有员工帐户。但是,红衣主教就不会那么*。但是,这两个谓词的可能性更大,因此您不能从另一个谓词构造谓词/表/关系,而更好的设计是 Works_for

Maybe you can see that they would be equivalent if each branch had only one employee--who must manage all the accounts. But then the cardinalites wouldn't be fan-trappy. Much more likely than that however is that the two predicates aren't equivalent, so you can't construct either predicate/table/relationship from the other, and a better design has Works_for and

Manager(rep, account) -- (rows where) rep *rep* manages account *account*`

然后 Manages SELECT分支,帐户FROM Works_for NATURAL JOIN Manager 。即某些行,[rep * rep *的分支*分支*和rep * rep *管理帐户*帐户*] 。

(关系运算符产生的表具有某些逻辑运算符产生的谓词。 JOIN 对应于 AND UNION OR 等。这就是我们可以证明查询表达式返回所需的行。)

(Tables resulting from relation operators have predicates resulting from certain corresponding logic operators. JOIN corresponds to AND, UNION to OR, etc. That is how we can justify that a query expression returns the desired rows.)