


I purchased modalbox plugin from envato market place made in javascript i want to use it to implement my categories> subcategories> items. Anyhow i know JavaScript variable can be assigned a value using php however i need the opposite.


On my first step i let the user pick a category using basic links then onclick even takes them to second slide where i want to display the subcategories and items related to this category that was selected.


1) setting onClick = "step2();<?php $chosen_cat = ' . $this->db->escape(trim($category)) . '?>"

希望我可以简单地将所选类别的名称赋值为一个值,然后使用$ chosen_cat step2()javascript方法显示产品,但是这打破了javascript,因为在输出中有冲突;

Hoping i can simply assign the name of the selected category to a value and then just use $chosen_cat in step2() javascript method to display products however this breaks the javascript as there is a conflict in output;

onclick =step2(db-> escape($ category););这传递
考虑PHP - > JS是可行的作为其服务器到客户端关系,但

2) I changed step2() to step2(category) and then used, onclick="step2(db->escape($category););" this passes the value to the step2() method however now i would need to call <-- I would need to print out that string to php however i have no idea how to solve this considering PHP -> JS is viable as its server to client relation but back..

$ this- > db-> escape()是一个 http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/queries。 html codeigniter方法。

The $this->db->escape() is a http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/queries.html codeigniter method.


<script type="text/javascript">

        function step1() {
            modalbox.show(new Element("div").insert(
                new Element("p", { "align": "justify" }).insert(
                        $categories = $items;
                        $chosen_cat = '';
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach($categories as $category => $itemarray) {
                                echo  $this->db->escape('<a class="category" onclick="step2();<?php $chosen_cat = ' . $this->db->escape(trim($category)) . '?>" href="#">'. trim($category) . '</a>');
                            else {
                                echo $this->db->escape('<a class="category" onclick="step2();" href="#">' . trim($category) . '</a>')  . '+';
            ), {
                "title"     : "Step 1/3",
                "width"     : 800,
                "options"   : [{
                    "label"     : "Next »",
                    "onClick"   : step2

        function step2() {
            alert(<?php $this->db->escape($chosen_cat); ?>);
            modalbox.show([ new Element("div").insert(
                new Element("p", { "align": "justify" }).insert(
                    "If you open a modalbox when another one is opened, it will stretch to the new " +
                    "modalbox width and height and overwrite the content.<br /\><br /\>" +
                    "You can use HTML or Prototype Elements like a DIV or a TABLE."
                new Element("p", { "align": "justify" }).insert(
                    "You can have multiple contents on a single modalbox by using an array like this:<br /\><br /\>" +
                    "<pre>modalbox.show([ content1, content2, ... ], options);</pre>"
            ], {
                "title"     : "Step 2/3",
                "width"     : 800,
                "options"   : [{
                    "label"     : "« Previous",
                    "onClick"   : step1
                }, {
                    "label"     : "Next »",
                    "onClick"   : step3
        function step3() {
            modalbox.show([ new Element("div").insert(
                new Element("p", { "align": "justify" }).insert(
                    "If you open a modalbox when another one is opened, it will stretch to the new " +
                    "modalbox width and height and overwrite the content.<br /\><br /\>" +
                    "You can use HTML or Prototype Elements like a DIV or a TABLE."
                new Element("p", { "align": "justify" }).insert(
                    "You can have multiple contents on a single modalbox by using an array like this:<br /\><br /\>" +
                    "<pre>modalbox.show([ content1, content2, ... ], options);</pre>"
            ], {
                "title"     : "Step 3/3",
                "width"     : 800,
                "hideOnPageClick": false,
                "options"   : [{
                    "label"     : "« Previous",
                    "onClick"   : step2
                }, {
                    "label"     : "Finish",
                    "isDefault" : true,
                    "onClick"   : modalbox.hide


可以在onclick事件中使用JavaScript设置会话变量,例如$ _SESSION ['category '] ='category'在js风格,然后读取该会话与PHP和取消设置它我不认为这将创建很多安全问题,因为会话存在不足一秒。

Would it be possible to set a session variable with JavaScript in the onclick event say $_SESSION['category'] = 'category' in js style and then read that session with php and unset it i dont think this would create much of a security problem as session would exist for prolly less than a second.

JavaScript永远不会设置PHP变量。 JavaScript在客户端上运行,PHP在服务器上运行。如果您需要在JS上更改服务器上的某些内容,您必须使用AJAX或发送常规的HTTP请求。

JavaScript is never going to set a PHP variable. JavaScript runs on the client and PHP on the server. If you need to change something on the server from JS, you have to use AJAX, or send a regular HTTP request.


Alternatively, you can have PHP generate the data that is needed at runtime on the client, usually by printing some JSON to become a JS variable


In your example, you would need something like the following (I'll use jQuery for simplicity)

... onclick="$.ajax('/category.php').done(function(data) {step2(data.category);})"


    $.ajax('/category.php').done(function(data) {

我不能给你一个AJAX教程,但主要的是, AJAX请求,当您需要来自服务器的数据。

I can't give you an AJAX tutorial, but the main thing is that you'll make an AJAX request when you need data from the server.