AWS EC2上的Wordpress-分配弹性IP后损坏



So, I got Wordpress installed and working just fine. I can access the site and the wp-admin via the public DNS that I get from the instance.


However, once I create an elastic IP and associate it with the instance, I can no longer access wp-admin and the home page style sheets and JavaScript files are not loaded.


I am attempting to access the site and the wp-admin using the new public IP from the elastic IP. Same thing is true if I try to use the public DNS from either the elastic IP or the EC2 instance.


When I view the page source I see that the reason things aren't loaded is because the URL for all of the assets (.css, .js. etc,) is pointing to the bold public DNS


When I disassociate the elastic IP things do not go back to working again.


I'm missing something but don't know what.



Your wordpress admin is already associated with your publicDNS. This is because, when you have logged-in the wp-admin console, you have created a new admin user. This information with respect to your publicDNS was saved in the mysql db. So you won't be able to access wp-admin from the elastic IP.


您可以登录到wordpress mysql,并将publicDNS的所有引用更新为Elastic IP.完成后,您将能够从静态IP访问wp-admin.

You can log-in to your wordpress mysql and update all the references of the publicDNS to Elastic IP. Once it is done, you will be able to access the wp-admin from the static IP.