C ++ windows dll如何被合并到一个C#应用程序中?


我有一个Windows C#程序,它使用C ++ dll进行数据i / o。我的目标是将应用程序部署为单个EXE。

I have a Windows C# program that uses a C++ dll for data i/o. My goal is to deploy the application as a single EXE.


What are the steps to create such an executable?


Single Assembly Deployment of Managed and Unmanaged Code Sunday, February 4, 2007

.NET开发人员喜欢XCOPY部署。而且他们喜欢单一的组装部件。至少我总是感到有些不安,如果我必须使用一些组件,并且需要记住一个文件列表,还可以包含该组件的主组件。所以当我最近不得不开发一个托管代码组件,不得不用C DLL(thx到Marcus Heege)帮助我解决这个问题的一些非托管代码,我想到了如何使两个DLL更容易部署。如果这只是两个程序集,我可以使用ILmerge在一个文件中打包它们。但是这对于具有托管和非托管DLL的混合代码组件来说并不适用。

.NET developers love XCOPY deployment. And they love single assembly components. At least I always feel kinda uneasy, if I have to use some component and need remember a list of files to also include with the main assembly of that component. So when I recently had to develop a managed code component and had to augment it with some unmanaged code from a C DLL (thx to Marcus Heege for helping me with this!), I thought about how to make it easier to deploy the two DLLs. If this were just two assemblies I could have used ILmerge to pack them up in just one file. But this doesn´t work for mixed code components with managed as well as unmanaged DLLs.


So here´s what I came up with for a solution:


I include whatever DLLs I want to deploy with my component´s main assembly as embedded resources. Then I set up a class constructor to extract those DLLs like below. The class ctor is called just once within each AppDomain so it´s a neglible overhead, I think.

namespace MyLib
    public class MyClass
        static MyClass()
            ResourceExtractor.ExtractResourceToFile("MyLib.ManagedService.dll", "managedservice.dll");
            ResourceExtractor.ExtractResourceToFile("MyLib.UnmanagedService.dll", "unmanagedservice.dll");



In this example I included two DLLs as resources, one being an unmanaged code DLL, and one being a managed code DLL (just for demonstration purposes), to show, how this technique works for both kinds of code.


The code to extract the DLLs into files of their own is simple:

public static class ResourceExtractor
    public static void ExtractResourceToFile(string resourceName, string filename)
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
            using (System.IO.Stream s = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                    byte[] b = new byte[s.Length];
                    s.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                    fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length);

使用托管代码程序集就像这样和往常一样 - 差不多。您在组件的主项目(这里是MyLib)中引用它(这里是ManagedService.dll),但将Copy Local属性设置为false。此外,您将汇编中的链接作为现有项目,并将构建操作设置为嵌入式资源。

Working with a managed code assembly like this is the same as usual - almost. You reference it (here: ManagedService.dll) in your component´s main project (here: MyLib), but set the Copy Local property to false. Additionally you link in the assembly as an Existing Item and set the Build Action to Embedded Resource.

对于非托管代码(此处为:UnmanagedService.dll),您只需链接到DLL作为现有项目,并将Build Action设置为嵌入式资源。要访问其函数,请像往常一样使用DllImport属性,例如

For the unmanaged code (here: UnmanagedService.dll) you just link in the DLL as an Existing Item and set the Build Action to Embedded Resource. To access its functions use the DllImport attribute as usual, e.g.

[DllImport("unmanagedservice.dll")] public extern static int Add(int a, int b);


That´s it! As soon as you create the first instance of the class with the static ctor the embedded DLLs get extracted into files of their own and are ready to use as if you deployed them as separate files. As long as you have write permissions for the execution directory this should work fine for you. At least for prototypical code I think this way of single assembly deployment is quite convenient.


a href =http://weblogs.asp.net/ralfw/archive/2007/02/04/single-assembly-deployment-of-managed-and-unmanaged-code.aspx =nofollow noreferrer> http ://weblogs.asp.net/ralfw/archive/2007/02/04/single-assembly-deployment-of-managed-and-unmanaged-code.aspx
