使用Visual Studio连接到Oracle数据库

使用Visual Studio连接到Oracle数据库


有人给我一个.sln visual 2008项目,可以在我的Windows 7 64位计算机上运行.项目文件连接到oracle数据库并返回一些字符串.我有连接参数及其与System.Data.OracleClient一起使用.但是我的项目是x64,我无法使用Windows附带的System.Data.OracleClient.


我可以使用Instant Client还是需要其他诸如整个Oracle Database 11g发行版1或标准发行版之类的东西?


下载并安装此文件后,我知道我必须定向tns.ora文件.我已经为Microsof.net System.Data.OracleClient完成了此操作.


Jobin Thomas

Somebody gave me a .sln visual 2008 project to run on my windows 7 64 bit machine. The project file connects to a oracle database and returns some strings. I have the connection parameters and its working with System.Data.OracleClient. But my project is x64 and i cannot use the System.Data.OracleClient that comes with windows.

I am assuming I need to install something from oracle website. I don''t need anything fancy..just a basic connection to the database to execute my query. What do i need minimum? I dont want a big install.

Can I used Instant Client or do i need something else like the whole Oracle Database 11g Release 1 or something like the Standard Release?

Can you help me with this?

Once I have downloaded and installed this, i know i have to direct the tns.ora file. I already did this for Microsof.net System.Data.OracleClient.

What else do I need? Can you send me instructions, basic routine on achieving this?

Jobin Thomas

由于Visual Studio是32位程序,因此无法与64位Oracle客户端一起使用.因此,您需要安装32位Oracle客户端并将项目设置为仅在调试项目时才编译为32位.


As Visual studio is a 32-bit program, it won''t work with a 64 bit Oracle client. So you need to install a 32-bit Oracle client and set your project to compile to 32 bits only when debugging the project.

In the properties page for your project, select the compile tab and click the "Advanced Compile Options".
For Target CPU select "X86".

If it''s a website project, then open the IIS manager and select the application pool that your project uses, click "Advanced Settings" and set "Enable 32-bit Applications" to true.

A 64-bit Oracle client installation would help. If you''ve installed the 32-bit only version, your code will not work with it if it is compiled 64-bit. You cannot mix 32-bit and 64-bit code in the same process.