



I am using C# and PostgreSQL. I have connected to PostgreSQL using Npgsql. Everthing is working fine. Now I want to use connection pooling with the help of PgBouncer tool.Database information has been set to PgBouncer. Because now PgBouncer will take care of connection to PostgreSQL database( If I am wrong, please correct me).


But the problem is that , I could not find the way to connect PgBouncer in C#.If anyone has done the same , please tell me.


Also is it good to use connection pooling in PostgreSQL instead of PgBouncer? if yes then please tell me how to do it.



Using pgbouncer with Npgsql simply means making Npgsql connect to pgbouncer instead of PostgreSQL directly - all you need to do is provider the host and port for pgbouncer.

请注意,Npgsql带有一个高效的内置连接池,通常应该优先选择它-确保您有充分的理由使用pgbouncer而不是内部池。 Npgsql池在默认情况下处于打开状态,如果要使用pgbouncer,则可能应通过在连接字符串中传递 Pooling = false 来禁用Npgsql池。

Note that Npgsql comes with an efficient, built-in connection pool which in general should be preferred - make sure you have a good reason for using pgbouncer instead of the internal pooling. Npgsql pooling is on by default, if you want to use pgbouncer you should probably disable Npgsql pooling by passing Pooling=false in your connection string.


Also is it good to use connection pooling in PostgreSQL instead of PgBouncer?


That doesn't really make any sense - PostgreSQL (your database server) doesn't provide any pooling on its own.