

我想对字节进行非线性函数来实现SAFER +。该算法需要在字节计算基础-45对数,我不知道该怎么做。

I am trying to perform non-linear functions on bytes to implement SAFER+. The algorithm requires computing base-45 logarithm on bytes, and I don't understand how to do it.

登录 45 (201)= 1.39316393

log45(201) = 1.39316393


When I assign this to a byte, the value is truncated to 1, and I can't recover the exact result.



Cryptography often uses prime fields, in this case, GF(257). Create an exponentiation table that looks like this:

exp | log
  0 |   1
  1 |  45
  2 | 226
  3 | 147
... | ...
128 |   0
... | ...
255 |  40

日志值45 EXP %257.你需要用 modPow 功能的高精度计算库(养数量的电力,模一定的价值)来构建这个表。你可以看到,对于值EXP128是一种特殊的情况下,由于通常的零的对数是不确定的。

The "log" values are 45exp % 257. You'll need an arbitrary precision arithmetic library with a modPow function (raise a number to a power, modulo some value) to build this table. You can see that the value for "exp" 128 is a special case, since normally the logarithm of zero is undefined.


Compute the logarithm of a number by finding the it in the "log" column; the value in the "exp" column of that row is the logarithm.


BigInteger V45 = new BigInteger(45);
BigInteger V257 = new BigInteger(257);
byte[] exp = new byte[256];
for (int idx = 0; idx < 256; ++idx)
  exp[idx] = BigInteger.ModPow(V45, new BigInteger(idx), V257) % 256;
byte[] log = new byte[256];
for (int idx = 0; idx < 256; ++idx)
  log[exp[idx]] = idx;

通过这种设置,例如,日志 45 (131)= 日志[131] = 63,和45 38 = EXP [38] = 59。

With this setup, for example, log45(131) = log[131] = 63, and 4538 = exp[38] = 59.

(我从来没有写C#;我只是从的 的BigInteger 文档;也有可能是与数据类型的错误)

(I've never written C#; I'm just guessing from the BigInteger documentation; there are likely to be errors with the data types.)